JC SiLent:You cant be that far away from me ; if we're looking on the same side of the moon
Thursday, June 29, 2006
i din noe tt guys will be so 'sick' when they are dating. take care
guess this guy frend had very bad romance experience tt lead to such conclusion. his views may be a little extreme. cannot deny to a certain degree it's true?? any comment??
i am gd at torturing my bf. trust me abt this. LOL
1. Loves makes you blind.
2. It makes you stupid.
many people saw their mistakes only after breaking up?
3. blood pressure rises.
Women practise language and coporate survival skills by regularly starting meaningless fights with their men
It rises some more when your girl told you she's working but is meeting her friend. Who happens to be a guy
It rises again when she accuse you of being immature when you confront her about it.
She has outrageous sex fiends for friends and when she parties with them, you get mentally stressed and ur blood pressure rises again.
4. You get an heart attack when she uses you credit card for a pre-breakup shopping spree.
5.You die picking a fight with her new bf who's 10x the fight you are.
It's alright for her to make friends with a very handsome gay.
It's not for you to talk to a lesbian.
It's nh for her to kiss a lesbian on the lips.
Don't get me started on the vice versa, you freak!
6. She treats you to a simple dinner for your birthday.
You treat her to a restaurant in a 5-star hotel plus jewellery for hers.
7. You have to work your heart(and NUTS) out to go out with her.
8. She says she doesn't belong to you.
So who's girlfriend is that, chump?
9. She expects you to remember what color dress when you first met her.
She didn't expect you to REALLY remember. Now she'll have to find new ways of making her break-up quota list to get rid of you.
10. Trying to care for her during her period shorten your lifespan.
It's not the cigarettes, its her. Why do you think men live a shorter life then women anyway?
Her excuses for break-ups make her seem holier then Jesus.
They make you sound like the bum who just asked you for a dime.
& 11:47 pm